• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most cases of optic neuritis (ON) occur in women and in patients between the ages of 15 and 45 years, which represents a key demographic of individuals who seek health information using the internet. As clinical providers strive to ensure patients have accessible information to understand their condition, assessing the standard of online resources is essential. To assess the quality, content, accountability, and readability of online information for optic neuritis. This cross-sectional study analyzed 11 freely available medical sites with information on optic neuritis and used PubMed as a gold standard for comparison. Twelve questions were composed to include the information most relevant to patients, and each website was independently examined by four neuro-ophthalmologists. Readability was analyzed using an online readability tool. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmarks, four criteria designed to assess the quality of health information further were used to evaluate the accountability of each website. Freely available online information. On average, websites scored 27.98 (SD ± 9.93, 95% CI 24.96-31.00) of 48 potential points (58.3%) for the twelve questions. There were significant differences in the comprehensiveness and accuracy of content across websites (p < .001). The mean reading grade level of websites was 11.90 (SD ± 2.52, 95% CI 8.83-15.25). Zero websites achieved all four JAMA benchmarks. Interobserver reliability was robust between three of four neuro-ophthalmologist (NO) reviewers (ρ = 0.77 between NO3 and NO2, ρ = 0.91 between NO3 and NO1, ρ = 0.74 between NO2 and NO1; all p < .05). The quality of freely available online information detailing optic neuritis varies by source, with significant room for improvement. The material presented is difficult to interpret and exceeds the recommended reading level for health information. Most websites reviewed did not provide comprehensive information regarding non-therapeutic aspects of the disease. Ophthalmology organizations should be encouraged to create content that is more accessible to the general public.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease (MOGAD) is a distinct CNS demyelinating disease. The rate of asymptomatic optic nerve enhancement on MRI has not been explored in patients with MOGAD. An improved understanding of this would guide clinical practice and assessment of treatment efficacy. We aimed to determine the frequency of asymptomatic optic nerve enhancement in MOGAD.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective review of patients evaluated at Mayo Clinic with MOGAD between January 1, 2000, and August 1, 2021 (median follow-up 1.6 [range 1-19] years). MRI studies were reviewed by masked neuroradiologists. Scans performed within 30 days of ON attack were classified as attack scans. Images obtained for routine surveillance, before ON attack, or at the time of non-ON attack were classified as interattack scans.
    RESULTS: Five hundred sixty-six MRIs (203 unique patients, 53% female) were included. Interattack MRIs represented 341 (60%) of the scans (median 36 days post-ON [range -1,032 to 6,001]). Of the interattack scans, 43 of 341 (13%), 30 unique patients, showed optic nerve enhancement. The enhancement was located at prior sites of ON in 35 of 43 (81%). Among the 8 patients with enhancement in new optic nerve areas, 6 had acute disseminated encephalomyelitis without an eye examination at the time of the MRI and 2 had preceding ON without imaging. Long-term visual outcomes showed no significant difference between those with and without asymptomatic enhancement, with improved visual acuity in most patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Asymptomatic optic nerve enhancement occurred in 13% of interattack MRIs, the majority in patients with prior ON and occurring at prior sites of optic nerve enhancement. New asymptomatic optic nerve enhancement in areas without prior ON was rare. These findings are important for understanding the natural history of MOGAD, the interpretation of symptoms or response to treatment, and the adjudication of attacks in clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathies (AIONs) are a common cause of permanent visual loss in the elderly population. The non-arteritic subtype has been intensively studied. While systemic associations such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus are commonly recognized and treated, others such as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are largely overlooked in daily practice. A 60-year-old man who gave no history of any systemic illness presented to us 1 week following an uneventful cataract surgery with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in his right eye. The surgery was performed elsewhere by an eye-healthcare professional where the patient presented primarily with a history of progressively worsening diminution of vision in the same eye for 5 days and was diagnosed with a senile cataract. The postoperative visual gain was unsatisfactory; hence he sought another opinion. A diagnosis of non-arteritic AION (NAION) was established. Systemic evaluation revealed elevated diastolic blood pressure, dyslipidaemia and severe OSA. Prompt treatment with systemic steroids and simultaneous management of the accompanying systemic morbid conditions saved some useful vision in the affected eye. This also prevented involvement of the fellow unaffected eye. A comprehensive ocular examination with emphasis on systemic evaluation of the patient for coexisting illness is imperative before proceeding with any medical or surgical intervention. OSA is a definitive risk factor for the development of NAION, though it remains underdiagnosed and untreated. Cataract surgery has been shown to worsen underlying NAION. Systemic stabilization averts potentially blinding sequel in the unaffected eye of these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ocular glymphatic system subserves the bidirectional polarized fluid transport in the optic nerve, whereby cerebrospinal fluid from the brain is directed along periarterial spaces towards the eye, and fluid from the retina is directed along perivenous spaces following upon its axonal transport across the glial lamina. Fluid homeostasis and waste removal are vital for retinal function, making the ocular glymphatic fluid pathway a potential route for targeted manipulation to combat blinding ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Several lines of work investigating the bidirectional ocular glymphatic transport with varying methodologies have developed diverging mechanistic models, which has created some confusion about how ocular glymphatic transport should be defined. In this review, we provide a comprehensive summary of the current understanding of the ocular glymphatic system, aiming to address misconceptions and foster a cohesive understanding of the topic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BAX plays an essential role in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death induced by optic nerve injury. Recently, we developed M109S, an orally bioactive and cytoprotective small compound (CPSC) that inhibits BAX-mediated cell death. We examined whether M109S can protect RGC from optic nerve crush (ONC)-induced apoptosis. M109S was administered starting 5 h after ONC for 7 days. M109S was orally administered in two groups (5 mg/kg twice a day or 7.5 mg/kg once a day). The retina was stained with anti-BRN3A and cleaved Caspase-3 (active Caspase-3) that are the markers of RGC and apoptotic cells, respectively. ONC decreased the number of BRN3A-positive RGC and increased the number of active Caspase-3-expressing apoptotic cells. In ONC-treated retina, there were cells that were double stained with anti-BRN3A and ant-cleaved Caspase-3, indicating that apoptosis in BRN3A-positive RGCs occurred. M109S inhibited the decrease of BRN3A-positive cells whereas it inhibited the increase of active Caspase-3-positive cells in the retina of ONC-treated mice, suggesting that M109S inhibited apoptosis in RGCs. M109S did not induce detectable histological damage to the lungs or kidneys in mice, suggesting that M109S did not show toxicities in the lung or kidneys when the therapeutic dose was used. The present study suggests that M109S is effective in rescuing damaged RGCs. Since M109S is an orally bioactive small compound, M109S may become the basis for a portable patient-friendly medicine that can be used to prevent blindness by rescuing damaged optic nerve cells from death.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Rare but severe toxicities of the optic apparatus have been observed after treatment of intracranial tumours with proton therapy. Some adverse events have occurred at unusually low dose levels and are thus difficult to understand considering dose metrics only. When transitioning from double scattering to pencil beam scanning, little consideration was given to increased dose rates observed with the latter delivery paradigm. We explored if dose rate related metrics could provide additional predicting factors for the development of late visual toxicities.
    METHODS: Radiation-induced intracranial visual pathway lesions were delineated on MRI for all index cases. Voxel-wise maximum dose rate (MDR) was calculated for 2 patients with observed optic nerve toxicities (CTCAE grade 3 and 4), and 6 similar control cases. Additionally, linear energy transfer (LET) related dose enhancing metrics were investigated.
    RESULTS: For the index cases, which developed toxicities at low dose levels (mean, 50 GyRBE), some dose was delivered at higher instantaneous dose rates. While optic structures of non-toxicity cases were exposed to dose rates of up to 1 to 3.2 GyRBE/s, the pre-chiasmatic optic nerves of the 2 toxicity cases were exposed to dose rates above 3.7 GyRBE/s. LET-related metrics were not substantially different between the index and non-toxicity cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our observations reveal large variations in instantaneous dose rates experienced by different volumes within our patient cohort, even when considering the same indications and beam arrangement. High dose rate regions are spatially overlapping with the radiation induced toxicity areas in the follow up images. At this point, it is not feasible to establish causality between exposure to high dose rates and the development of late optic apparatus toxicities due to the low incidence of injury.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the morphological state of the visual analyzer in premature infants in long-term.
    METHODS: We examined 40 premature children (74 eyes) aged 10.3±2.92 years (gestational age (GA) 25-34 weeks, birth weight (BW) 690-2700 g). Twenty mature children (40 eyes), aged 10.8±3.05 years, were examined as a control group. The children underwent standard ophthalmologic examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and recording of visual evoked potentials (VEP).
    RESULTS: The thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) is less in preterm infants than in term infants, regardless of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and refraction (p<0.05). Thickness loss has an inverse proportion with the degree of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (p<0.05). Retinal thickness in fovea is significantly greater in preterm infants and has a direct proportionality with the degree of IVH and the number of days on artificial lung ventilation (p<0.05). Moderate organic changes were detected in conduction pathways in 43.08% of premature infants according to VEP data.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of OCT and recording of VEP may improve the quality of comprehensive neuro-ophthalmologic diagnosis in preterm infants. The thickness loss of RNFL can be expected in premature infants with HIE and IVH.
    UNASSIGNED: Оценить морфологическое состояние зрительного анализатора у недоношенных детей в отдаленный период.
    UNASSIGNED: Обследованы 40 недоношенных детей (74 глаза) в возрасте 10,3±2,92 года (гестационный возраст 25—34 нед, вес при рождении 690—2700 г). В качестве контрольной группы были обследованы 20 доношенных детей (40 глаз) в возрасте 10,8±3,05 года. Детям провели стандартное офтальмологическое обследование, оптическую когерентную томографию (ОКТ) и регистрацию зрительных вызванных потенциалов (ЗВП).
    UNASSIGNED: У недоношенных детей толщина слоя нервных волокон сетчатки (ТСНВС) была меньше, чем у доношенных, независимо от рефракции и наличия в анамнезе ретинопатии недоношенных (p<0,05). ТСНВС имела обратную пропорциональную зависимость от степени гипоксически-ишемической энцефалопатии и внутрижелудочковых кровоизлияний (p<0,05). Толщина сетчатки в фовеа была значимо больше у недоношенных детей и имела прямую пропорциональную зависимость от тяжести внутрижелудочковых кровоизлияний и количества дней искусственной вентиляции легких (p<0,05). Среди недоношенных детей в 43,08% случаев были выявлены умеренные органические изменения проводящих путей по данным ЗВП.
    UNASSIGNED: Применение ОКТ и регистрация ЗВП у недоношенных детей могут улучшить качество комплексной нейроофтальмологической диагностики. У недоношенных детей с гипоксически-ишемической энцефалопатией и внутрижелудочковыми кровоизлияниями можно ожидать уменьшения ТСНВС.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    IL-17F single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) can affect IL-17F expression and activity and this can lead to the increased susceptibility to several autoimmune diseases. The aim was to investigate the association of IL-17F (rs763780) SNP with the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) in a cohort of Egyptian patients and to evaluate the effect of this polymorphism on the disease course. IL-17F (rs763780) gene polymorphisms was typed by TaqMan genotyping assay for 231 Egyptians divided into 102 MS patients and 129 healthy controls with matched age and sex. The IL-17F rs763780 C containing genotypes (CT+CC) and C allele have statistically significant increased frequency in MS patients when compared with controls (p = 0.005 and 0.004 respectively) especially in females\' patients (p = 0.005 and 0.006 respectively). The heterozygous CT genotype was associated with the presence of optic neuritis (p = 0.038). The multivariable regression analysis revealed significant associations between smoking, the higher frequency of attacks and the prediction of higher EDSS score (p = 0.032, 0.049 respectively). It can be concluded that the IL-17F rs763780 C containing genotypes (CT and CC) and C allele may be risk factors for the development of MS in the studied Egyptian cohort by a gender-dependent mechanism that contributes to tendency for predisposition in females and optic neuritis is more common in patients carrying the CT heterozygous genotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The goals of neuroimaging in idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) are the exclusion of mimickers and effective management of disease. In recent studies, several imaging markers have been identified as potential predictors of IIH.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the predictive roles of novel radiological markers as the Meckel\'s cave area, alongside classical radiologic markers in identifying IIH such as the empty sella.
    METHODS: The patients were classified according to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) opening pressure as the IIH group and control group. The observational, case-control study included 22 patients with IIH and 22 controls. Groups were compared for presence of empty sella, Meckel\'s cave area, fat area of posterior neck, fat thickness of scalp, presence of transverse sinus stenosis, and ophthalmic markers, such as increase of optic nerve (ON) sheath diameter.
    RESULTS: In the IHH group, higher occurrences of increased ON sheath diameter, ON tortuosity, flattening of the scleral surface, and transverse sinus stenosis were observed (P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P = 0.046, and P = 0.021, respectively). Meckel\'s cave area and fat area of posterior neck were similar in both groups (P = 0.444 and P = 0.794).
    CONCLUSIONS: Ophthalmic markers and transverse sinus stenosis could be utilized as radiologic features supporting early and precise diagnosis of IIH. However, enlargement of Meckel\'s cave area and measurements of fatty area of posterior neck are not helpful for diagnosis of IIH.





